

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Good Fortune All Caught Up

Well, week 3 sorta kicked my butt. I did have other things going on, but still. I struggled a bit with getting blocks to turn out with the correct dimensions. Once I got that down, wasting only two blocks, I moved on. I want to make as much of this quilt from my scrap bins as I can. This slows down the cutting process quite a bit, but no matter.
 This is the box  am using for all my block so far. Week 3 is right on top there in the green. I am still having counting issues, as I had about 30 extra green rectangles when I was done.

Everyone is pressed, but I still have dog ears to trim on about 100 of the HST bonus blocks. I figure I can do that later.
And here are my week 4 blocks. I made about 3/4 of them one solid rectangle and did a bit of strip piecing for the rest. Orange is a color I don't have a lot of, especially in my scrap bins. But now I am all caught up.

That will not last, as I am traveling for the holidays, and when I come home I will have two weeks worth of clues to catch up on, but, no matter. It will get done. It always does somehow.
Happy Tuesday before Christmas.
Linking up with Bonnie Here.


Vireya said...

It was nice to have an easier clue this week to catch up with!

Karen S said...

Well done keeping up with the blocks!!